MSc European Forestry - Màster Spatial and Ecological Modelling in European Forestry Erasmus Mundus - SEE Forestry (Interuniversitari)
MSc European Forestry (MSc EF) is a top class taught Erasmus+: Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree Programme (EMJMD) in the field of forest sciences and is one of the first EMJMD programmes that has been accredited according to the European approach for quality assurance of the joint programmes.
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Presentació de Màster (en Català):
El Màster Forestal Europeu representa el màxim nivell en ensenyament en el camp de les ciències forestals. La qualitat del programa ha estat reconeguda per la Comissió Europea 4 vegades (2004, 2010, 2016, 2019) amb l'estatus i el segell Erasmus Mundus.
A més, en el 2019 ha obtingut una acreditació de qualitat per l'organització independent europea Agència per a l'Assegurament de la Qualitat a través de l'Acreditació de Programes d'Estudi AQAS (Agency for Quality Assurance through Accreditation of Study Programs) basat en les normes i directrius per a l'assegurament de la qualitat en l'Espai Europeu d'Educació Superior.
El programa del Màster proporciona educació acadèmica al sector forestal i es centra en la dimensió internacional dels problemes sostenibles de gestió forestal. El programa aporta una dimensió global en els mercats educatius ja existents en el sector forestal i en la gestió de la natura a Europa. En aquest programa, les universitats europees forestals col·laboren intensament per oferir cursos conjunts, així com el seu pla actual d'estudis, basat en el coneixement i l'experiència de gestió forestal des de fa segles enrrere..
El programa del Màster Forestal Europeu respon al nombre creixent de problemes en la gestió dels boscos i la natura tant en l'àmbit internacional com nacional, els quals ofereixen tot un seguit de nous reptes i demandes per a la formulació de polítiques i la gestió a nivell internacional, nacional i europeu. La visió europea es basa tant en l’experiència professional com en els resultats de la recerca forestal.
Els alumnes del Màster que cursin el segon any a Lleida obtindràn la doble titulació MSc European Forestry (Finlàndia) i Màster Universitari Erasmus Mundus Spatial and Ecological Modelling in European Forestry (Espanya).
Els nostres graduats estan entre els més buscats per institucions i empreses nacionals i internacionals. La majoria treballen actualment arreu del món per organitzacions com:
Agències en boscos i gestió de la natura i organismes governamentals.
Institucions de recerca.
Empreses forestals a les indústries de paper i cel·lulosa i serradores.
ONG ambientals.
The Màster's Degree presentation in English:
MSc European Forestry (MSc EF) is a top class taught Erasmus+: Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree Programme (EMJMD) in the field of forest sciences and is one of the first EMJMD programmes that has been accredited according to the European approach for quality assurance of the joint programmes. The quality of our programme is also acknowledged by the European Commission, which awarded the MSc European Forestry Erasmus Mundus status for years 2004–2014 and for years 2016–2019 and 2019-2023.
Our programme is a two-year interdisciplinary programme that provides academic education in the field of sustainable resource management with an emphasis on current bioeconomy issues. MSc EF offers a new approach to forestry and nature management markets and it connects the increasing number of forest-related issues with a European dimension at international as well as national levels. The objective of the MSc EF programme is to educate professionals who have a thorough understanding of a sustainable forest bioeconomy as well as the European business culture. The curriculum is specifically designed to take into consideration the needs of potential employers and therefore our graduates are highly valued by national and international agencies, governmental bodies, NGO's, research institutions and timber, paper and pulp enterprises.
In MSc EF, six European top-class forestry universities collaborate intensively to offer joint study modules in addition to their existing curricula. The MSc EF Consortium consists of the following institutions: the University of Eastern Finland (coordinator); AgroParisTech, France; the University of Freiburg, Germany; the University of Lleida, Spain; the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna, Austria and Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania. In addition, Associated Partner HEIs in Brazil, Canada and China and Associated Industrial and Associated Scientific Partners contribute to programme delivery.
Our programme welcomes applications from persons who hold a bachelor's or comparable degree in forest sciences or related discipline. Click on the link on the left to find out how to apply to MSc EF.
Our graduates are internationally valued experts
Our programme has been running since 2001, and we are proud to say that our graduates have exceptionally impressive careers, many of them attributing their career success to our programme! Our graduates are indeed amongst the most sought after in the field by national and international employers alike. The majority of our graduates are currently employed around the world by organisations such as:
- Forest and nature management agencies and governmental bodies
- Research institutions
- Forest enterprises in paper and pulp industries and saw milling
- Environmental NGO's
Click on the Students' voices link on the left to hear what our current students and alumni have to say about us.
"Today, I am in very high spirits that I opted for this course, which proved to be a milestone in my professional career."
Universitats del consorci: